i'm mari and i am the nicest mean lesbian you will ever meet
mariah/mari • 26 • ⚢
cis - she/her - white - tx
before you follow:
i am a mean lesbian who hates men if that's what you think i am
i am kurokoshirai @ tumblr and used to be @feelhaver on twitter
i don't usually include content warnings on my tweets unless talking about heavy drama
i drunk tweet sometimes (very rarely)
i make/favorite nsfw tweets, but only text ones; if i rt nsfw art it's by accident
i don't care if you softblock or hardblock me, just don't message me to tell me you're doing so
if i softblock you and you become confrontational about it or attempt to refollow me, i will block you
i will block you if you call people things like "antis" unironically, support things like "bi/pan/mspec lesbians," etc.
if i blocked you and you don't do any of these things it's probably because you posted a really stupid take and i will hate you forever for it
follow me on any account where you mostly post porn
follow me if you think porn addiction "isn't real" or "a buzzword"
send me videos that involve people/animals screaming loudly, with or without audio compression
call me queer, dyke, lesbo, lezzie, or any other slur, or casually use these slurs in reply to my tweets unless talking about yourself
mention smoking when talking directly to me (including weed & vaping) or send me images depicting it
"anime watching social justice freak""I can't stand this mariah bitch (also went by feelhaver and now chuunishit) who is one of those manhating lesbians, is basically kin with nozomi and accuses anyone who doesn't ship nozomi and eli to be "homophobic." It honestly is proof as to why I cannot stand love live as a show, game or fandom."
"Bless your heart, you're not so bright."
—David Jaffe, director of God of War
"nozomi apologist""the original man-hating yuri fan""the original woke live bae nozomi Stan"
"fuck you for liking nozomi, i don't know who nozomi is but i know she's vaguely problematic and if other people hate you for it, well i guess i do too now""you should be killed too cause you like your stupid loli anime bullshit like love live, idolmaster and sb69 instead of fuckin REAL GAMES like @Quake and @utgame"
"one of the most powerful and cursed things about you is that you speak entirely in longform shitpost but half of them are questionably if not entirely sincere"
"you contain multitudes! all of them lesbians"
Akuma no Riddle, Beastars, Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!, The iDOLM@STER, Little Witch Academia, Love Live!, Raildex, Revue Starlight, Show By Rock!!, Uma Musume, yuri (in general)VIDEO GAMES
Battle Girl High School, Corpse Party, Danganronpa, Final Fantasy XIV, Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons, Kindred Spirits on the Roof, Monster Hunter Stories, Monster Hunter World/Rise, Pokémon, Rune Factory, Them's Fightin' HerdsWESTERN MEDIA
Amphibia, Cucumber Quest, Ducktales (2017), The Good Place, The Locked Tomb, The Owl House, Tangled: The Series (primarily Cassandra), Warrior CatsOTHER
Alpacas, cats, country music (unironically), furries, sheep